Ecora is currently providing engineering services to the City of Abbotsford for the engineering assessment and rehabilitation design of Dickson Lake Dam which was constructed on the remnants of an historic landslide dam.
The engineering assessment for Dickson Lake Dam includes:
• A site reconnaissance and intrusive geotechnical investigation of the dam embankment including installation of vibrating-wire piezometers;
• A geotechnical assessment including:
• Two-dimensional steady state seepage finite element analysis;
• Site specific seismic response analysis;
• Simplified liquefaction triggering analysis;
• Global stability analyses of the dam embankment under long-term static, pseudo-static and post-earthquake conditions;
• Post-earthquake deformation finite element analysis undertaken using the dam seismic response; and,
• Assessment of the piping potential of the dam embankment and foundation.
• Analysis of the capacity and condition of the existing spillway structure and channel; and,
• Detailed hydraulic analysis of the dam and spillway during passage of the Inflow Design Flood (IDF) including wind and wave effects.
Where the assessment and supporting analysis identified any deficiencies in the dam’s performance, Ecora has recommended a number of remedial options including evaluation of design alternatives, conceptual design drawings and a budgetary cost estimate.
At the completion of the preliminary design, Ecora will undertake detailed design of the selected option for submission for construction approval from the Ministry.