Topographic survey forms the basis of all design projects, providing designers with a complete picture of existing site conditions. We use the latest in GPS survey equipment and our survey crews provide accurate information tied to known coordinate systems and existing legal plans. Our crews work in a variety of locations from remote mountain tops to urban land developments and everything in between.
We also provide construction layout and as-constructed surveys on a variety of projects including municipal, land development and pipelines.
Boundary Re-Establishment
This includes staking and posting property corners and filing posting and reference plans in the Land Title Office when applicable. Ecora Survey team has completed hundreds of these types of surveys over the years.
Subdivision Plans
Ross has completed many Subdivision Plans from simple two lot Subdivisions, to multi-phase hundred lot Subdivisions. A recent Subdivision he has completed is “Panorama Phase 2” in Penticton, BC which is a 2 phase 10 lot subdivision with a road dedication.
Statutory Right of Way, Covenant and Easement Surveys
Ecora and Ross complete many of these surveys monthly. Clients range from local cities/districts to companies like Fortis BC and residential homeowners.
Strata Plans
Ross is proficient in Strata Plans including simple two-unit duplexes to multi phase apartments and townhouses. A current project Ecora is working on a 50 unit, 13 building townhouse development in Osoyoos, BC
Residential and Commercial Building Location Certificates
As-built surveys are generally required by most local governments for all new buildings and some renovations. Ross has completed hundreds of Building Location Certificates over the past 12 years.
Topographic Site Plans
Ecora can produce detailed Topographic Site Plans for architects, designers, and engineers. The survey team at Ecora Land Surveying can also work closely with the other professionals at Ecora Engineering which allows for efficiency and strong communication.
Volume Surveys
This includes the field survey and office volume calculations. An example of this would be a mine requiring how much earth/rock had been removed.
Construction Layout
Ecora can calculate and layout buildings and structures as well as horizontal and vertical control benchmarks. Ecora Survey team has completed layouts for small residential houses, large apartments, townhouse developments, commercial structures and many more.
First Nation Surveys
Ross Mandeville is commissioned as a CLS and can work with first nations on Subdivisions, Construction, and other types of projects. Recent projects include a Subdivision Plan for the Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 1 and a Topographic Site Plan for the Osoyoos Indian Reserve No.1.
Ross Mandeville, BCLS, CLS
Director of Ecora Land Surveying
Phone: 250-488-0867