How do you determine success? Whether your focus is on environmental, social, or economic returns, we develop sustainable plans and can help define what success looks like for your area of interest. Ecora resource analysis team delivers high quality analysis products across Canada and internationally, at scales ranging from Woodlots & Community Forests to landscape level assessments. Our team are experts in the use of a wide range of simulation and optimization models and have extensive experience in forest estate/stand level modeling and data analytics. We work closely with resource managers to leverage technology and the best available information to optimize resource management decisions while balancing environmental, social, and economic returns while meeting sustainability requirements. We deliver these services to a wide range of clients including large and small forest license holders, private landowners, governments, indigenous groups, and communities.

  • Timber Supply Analysis (Developing sustainable forest management plans, Allowable Annual Cut).
  • Non-Timber Values (Wildlife Habitat Modeling, Watershed Peak Flow Modelling)
  • Risk Analysis (Wildfire, Insect Dynamics, Changing Forest Policy)
  • Cumulative Effects (Modelling Energy Sector Impacts)
  • Property Valuations
  • Seral Stage Analysis
  • Forest Carbon Accounting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Growth & Yield using BC specific models (TASS/TIPSY and VDYP); Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), Forest Projection and Planning System (FPS), and can develop our client specific models if desired.
  • Landscape/Forest Estate Modelling using using commercial models, Patchworks and Remsoft’s Spatial Planning Suite (Spatial Woodstock, Allocation Optimizer) Modelling



Ecora resource inventory team of certified inventory specialists provides expertise in the delivery of traditional inventory products – vegetation resources inventory, landscape vegetation inventory and national forest inventory – and the design and delivery of customized inventory products that include LiDAR data integration, silviculture updates, and permanent sample plot establishment and re-measurement. From landscape-level inventories to small private parcels, our team maximizes client value through innovation, technology, and efficiency.

  • British Columbia Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI)
  • Ecosystem Mapping (Predictive Ecosystem Mapping, Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping)
  • Cultural and Medicinal Plant Inventories
  • Predictive and Enhanced Forest Inventories (PFIs and EFIs) using Remote Sensing and field data.



Our remote sensing team offers an array of products to maximize the returns on your LiDAR investment. Combined with the experience of our Resource Analysis team we are able to implement the solutions you need on any landbase whether it is forestry, environment, water or urban.

  • Facilitate Imagery and LiDAR Acquistion to meet the needs of your project
  • Terrain Products including slope, aspect, elevation, contours, hillshades, and intensity
  • Digital Surface Models, Digital Elevation Models and Digital Terrain Models
  • Hydrology Products including watershed delineation, stream networks and classifications



For companies interested in pursuing forest carbon offsets, Ecora team can assist in aspects of the project. From initial design, through monitoring, certification and verification, our team can provide the support required to undertake a carbon offset project.



Dwight Crouse

Discipline Lead, Analysis & Inventory
Phone: 250.469.9757 x1088
