Clean up and restoration of contaminated and disturbed sites is an important part of what we do at Ecora Our multi-disciplinary teams of environmental scientists and engineers take pride in providing you with the most efficient and effective solutions to your environmental assessment, remediation and reclamation projects.

We specialize in solving the problems that come from accidental contaminant releases.  Through thoughtful assessments and efficient remediation plans, we design and implement solutions to protect human health and the environment, and satisfy all relevant regulatory requirements, whether they’re set by the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, the Government of Canada, or the self-governing First Nations that lie within it. And once we’ve got your site clean, our reclamation team can help you restore the full capacity of its land use potential and habitat value.  Depending on your needs, we can design simple plans to reestablish productive soil horizons and vegetative cover for erosion prevention or agricultural use, or implement our industry leading approaches to jump-start the successional pathway to restoration using ecosystem-specific, native grasses, shrubs and trees.

remediation infographic

Contaminant Assessment And Remediation

Our team of remediation professionals bring innovative solutions that can only come from a history of solving diverse environmental contamination issues across the oil and natural gas, petrochemical, mining, forestry, manufacturing, and waste management industries. We provide efficient results for every client we work with, while improving the environmental quality for us all.



    Thoughtful characterization of the environmental quality of a site is an important first step. A sound assessment can prevent unnecessary remediation where no contamination is present and can help ensure that the best remediation strategy is used where contamination is found.


    Sophisticated property owners and buyers, and their lenders require an understanding of potential environmental liabilities for their financial due diligence. Our experts provide thorough Environmental Site Assessments that satisfy CSA Group standards (Z768-01/Z769-00), in a format that doesn’t take a trained environmental scientist to understand.


    Whether for Municipal, Provincial, Federal or First Nation governments, we can assist you through the regulatory process. Our BC MOECCS Approved Professionals hold the highest level of professional accreditation in Contaminant Assessment and Remediation in Canada and can help ensure that your submissions can be processed without unnecessary delay.



    There are lots of options for remediation of soil, groundwater and soil vapour contamination but there’s only one strategy that best addresses the risks, timelines and budgets for your project. Our experts will work with you to select the best remediation technology, or combination of technologies that fits your priorities.


    Digging out contaminated soil, pumping groundwater for treatment or extracting volatiles in soil vapour, extractive technologies for remediation are the most common strategies for remediation of contaminated sites.


    Sometimes adding nutrients to enhance natural attenuation processes are all a site needs to resolve contamination. Other times injecting oxidants, reducing agents or heat, or applying an electrical current across a contaminant plume can clean up a site without a significant soil disturbance.


    In some cases, the best protection for human health and the environment is to safely isolate contamination in place rather than manage the risks to extract or treat it otherwise. The elements needed to disable migration pathways may be a natural features of the site, sometimes those solutions must be engineered.

Complete Site Reclamation

Our team of reclamation professionals bring innovative solutions to reclaiming and restoring a variety of sites including well sites, pipelines, facilities, gravel pits, and mine sites. Through the blending of ecological and landscape expertise we provide efficient reclamation and restoration services for every client while restoring site stability and ecosystem function. As a full-service engineering and environmental firm, we have the experts in-house to address all aspects of even the most expansive or complex of sites.

Planning, Reclamation and Monitoring


    Reclamation planning starts before development even begins. Completing an assessment of a site prior to development will help determine any potential reclamation challenges in addition to setting the reclamation end land use objectives and help make the final reclamation work less expensive and more effective. Our team of reclamation professionals can assist you with achieving your reclamation goals.


    Every site has its own unique set of challenges that requires site-specific plans to address, regardless of the end land use objectives. Site-specific reclamation plans layout the steps and requirements to get to the end goal. Our team of reclamation specialists work with clients on innovative solutions to obtaining site closure approvals while successfully meeting the end land use objectives.


    Returning sites to their original state achieves a number of objectives including wildlife habitat enhancement, traditional uses, and ecosystem function. Proper planning is required to achieve this goal, including mapping the ecosystem pathway and initiating the correct assemblage of species to put the site on the correct trajectory for ecosystem restoration. Our experienced ecologists have extensive ecosystem experience across BC and can design a strategy to restore ecosystems for your projects. In addition, our reclamation team also provides implementation services including reclamation oversight, seeding, planting, and follow-up monitoring to ensure natural ecosystem restoration plans are carried out in and effective and efficient manner.


    Establishing native species is becoming increasingly important to First Nations, regulators, recreationists, etc. The use of native species in reclamation can significantly improve the end value of a decommissioned site with respect to habitat capacity and traditional use, and accelerate its progress. Our experience, both in related research projects and in their operational implementation has made us an industry leader in the establishment of native species.


    First Nations have been conducting traditional practices on the land for thousands of years in BC. Although development of the land can temporarily interrupt these practices, the incorporation of traditional use values into your reclamation projects can help alleviate the long-term losses on the site. Targeting end land uses for specific TEK may include special consideration of species traditionally used for food, medicinal, and/or spiritual purposes. Ecora has a long history of working with First Nations across BC and has shared great successes in compiling  TEK resources and incorporating those values into land use planning and reclamation. Our reclamation team provides reclamation oversight, seeding, planting, and follow-up monitoring to ensure TEK integration into reclamation plans are carried out in and effective and efficient manner.


    As per the Delegation Agreement between the BC Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) and BC Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), any development in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) must have a pre (Schedule A) and post (Schedule B) site assessment to confirm that the development protects the agricultural capability of the land. Our experienced Agrologists have a history of working with oil and gas clients to responsibly achieve their development goals while meeting requirements for land capacity protection.


    Wellsite and pipeline reclamation starts with proper planning and developing the end land use objective prior to development. Ecora reclamation specialists and ecologists work with proponents to plan, oversee and implement their reclamation programs in an innovative, efficient and effective manner.


    Oil and gas developments that are no longer in production are required to be abandoned, remediated, and reclaimed. When all requirements are met, the BC OGC issues a COR and the site returns back to the Crown. Ecora reclamation and remediation specialists work with you to navigate the COR process for your best results.  The work we’ve done in partnership with the OGC on a variety of pilot projects aimed at improving the COR process and reclamation standards gives us a thorough understanding of how to best plan and implement your project.


    Mines and gravel pits require advanced reclamation planning and end land use goal setting due to the significant physical and environmental footprint of their operations. Innovative techniques are often required to ensure site productivity and species establishment success in order to meet end land objectives and site closure requirements. Ecora reclamation specialists work with clients to plan, oversee and implement mine and gravel pit reclamation programs in an innovative, efficient and effective manner ensuring decommissioned areas meet the end-land use objectives.


Senior Environmental Engineer

250.469.9757 x1041

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