We deliver projects that are fit for purpose and the most cost-effective solution with the longest life cycle possible.
We provide geotechnical, hydrotechnical, structural, civil and environmental support with a focus on roads, airports and railways.
We ensure that ‘best practice’ development outcomes and sustainable design solutions can be achieved along with sustainable urban growth and expansion.
We work closely with the community to ensure that all values are heard, understood and incorporated into our work.
Delivering geotechnical, hydrotechnical, environmental, mechanical, structural, civil, and GIS support services.
We work with our clients to design sustainable buildings that are energy efficient and seismically resilient.
Our diverse Team of highly competent professionals prides itself on the delivery of innovative and efficient solutions to complex resource management problems.
With industry-leading project management and corporate operating procedures and policies. We have both the knowledge and capacity to successfully manage and deliver projects of all sizes.
Ecora’s team has worked with clients in planning, design building, constructing, operating, managing, and maintaining multi-barrier water & waste water treatment facilities.